66 research outputs found

    Does the Quality of Training Programs Matter? Evidence from Bidding Processes Data

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    This paper estimates the effect of training quality on labor-market earnings using a Peruvian non-experimental training program, PROJOVEN, which targets disadvantaged youths aged 16 to 24 years. The identification of causal effects is possible because of two attractive features in the data. First, the selection of training courses is based on public bidding processes that assign standardized scores to multiple proxies for quality. Second, the program`s evaluation framework allows for the identification and comparison of individuals in the treatment and comparison groups six, 12, and 18 months after the program. Using difference-in-differences kernel matching methods, we find that individuals attending high-quality training courses have higher average and marginal treatment impacts. The external validity of our estimates was assessed by using five different calls of this program over a nine-year period.

    Informality and Productivity in the Labor Market: Peru 1986 - 2001

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    Peru has one of the highest informality rates in Latin America, with almost 60 percent of the urban labor force working at the margins of labor market legislation or in microenterprises that lack basic labor market standards (Marcouiller, Ruiz de Castilla, and Woodruff, 1997). This paper identifies two factors that can explain the variation in informality rates in the 1990s. First, Peru experienced a steady increase in employment allocation in traditionally “informal” sectors—in particular, retail trade and transport. Second, there was a sharp increase in nonwage labor costs, despite a reduction in the average productivity of the economy. In addition, the paper illustrates the negative correlation between productivity and informality by evaluating the impacts of the PROJOVEN youth training program.

    Pobreza e impactos heterogéneos de las políticas activas de empleo juvenil: el caso de PROJOVEN en el Perú

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    El presente estudio analiza la relación entre la pobreza de los hogares y los impactos de políticas activas de promoción del empleo en el Perú. En particular, analizamos el Programa de Capacitación Laboral Juvenil PROJOVEN, que, desde 1996, ha beneficiado directamente a cerca de 50.000 jóvenes pobres. La situación de pobreza de los beneficiarios de PROJOVEN es aproximada con un índice basado en 21 activos de los hogares. Tres resultados principales emergen. Primero, las desigualdades demográficas y socioeconómicas encontradas entre los beneficiarios y la población elegible se deben principalmente a decisiones individuales de los jóvenes antes que a decisiones administrativas del operador del programa. Segundo, se observa alta heterogeneidad en la distribución de impactos por cuantiles de ingresos y fuertes diferencias en la distribución de impactos entre varones y mujeres. Tercero, la heterogeneidad de los impactos no se explica por el nivel de pobreza de los beneficiarios. Los más pobres entre los pobres se benefician igual del programa que los menos pobres. Es la entidad que proporciona los servicios de capacitación (calidad) la que explica la heterogeneidad de los impactos.Pobreza, Programas de capacitacion, Jovenes, Empleo juvenil, Evaluacion de proyectos, Poverty, Training programmes, Young, Youth employment, Project evaluation, Peru

    Impacto del mindfulness en el rendimiento académico de estudiantes universitarios: Una revisión sistemática de literatura con VOSviewer

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    The current research study objectives are focused on determine in first place the level impact of the exclusion of some key terms on the co-occurrence variable about the research topic “The impact of mindfulness on university students’ academic achievement: A systematic literature review with VOSviewer”; in second place, determine countries with the highest citation per document rate and finally define the impact level of the reduction of the amount of documents and the increase of the amount of citations on the determination of the authors with the highest citation- per document- rate. Study design: Sistematic review with cross-sectional.analysis and descriptive method. It is used an intentional and non-probabilistic sampling technique. The sample is conformed by 51 documents chosen from Scopus database for the period 2015-2020 and related to the research study equation. For the analysis it is used VOSviewer software. The results obtained shew that due to the fact the words: mindfulness and academic achievement have the highest impact, it would be advisable to deepen on publications related to psychology. In adittion, it must be a priority to consider United States of America, Germany and Australia publications because of their higher citation-per-document rate. Finally, it is concluded that the reduction of the amount of documents by one and the increase of the amount of citations by four have an impact on the determination of the authors with the highest citation-per-document rate. Hahne A., Mccaleer R. and Mcconville are the recommended authors because of their highest citation-per-document rate and their relatively recent publications.  La presente investigación tiene por objetivos determinar el nivel de impacto de la exclusión de algunos términos claves en la coocurrencia acerca del tema “Impacto del mindfulness en el rendimiento académico de estudiantes universitarios: Una revisión sistemática de literatura con VOSviewer”, así como determinar los países con el  mayor ratio citaciones/ documento y precisar el nivel de impacto de la reducción de cantidad de documentos en 1 y aumento en la cantidad de citaciones en 4 en la determinación de los autores con mayor ratio citación/ documento. El diseño de estudio de revisión sistemática es de tipo transversal descriptivo, utilizando muestreo no probabilístico de tipo intencional. La muestra tiene 51 documentos extraídos de la base de datos Scopus del periodo 2015-2020 y que coinciden con la ecuación de búsqueda recogida del tema de investigación. El instrumento para el análisis es el software VOSviewer. Los resultados muestran que las palabras claves mindfulness y academic achievement son las de mayor impacto y que sería recomendable ahondar en publicaciones relacionadas a la psicología. Otro resultado de la investigación indica que se debe considerar como prioridad a Estados Unidos, Alemania y Australia por tener los ratios más altos de citación /documento. Finalmente, se concluye que la reducción de cantidad de documentos en 1 y aumento en la cantidad de citaciones en 4 tiene impacto en la determinación de los autores con mayor ratio citación/ documento, recomendándose a los autores Hahne A., Mccaleer R. y Mcconville J, por ser quienes tienen más altos ratios citación/ documento, además de publicaciones relativamente recientes. &nbsp

    Impacto del mindfulness en el rendimiento académico de estudiantes universitarios: una revisión sistemática de literatura con VOSviewer

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    La presente investigación tiene por objetivos determinar el nivel de impacto de la exclusión de algunos términos claves en la coocurrencia acerca del tema “Impacto del mindfulness en el rendimiento académico de estudiantes universitarios: Una revisión sistemática de literatura con VOSviewer”, así como determinar los países con el mayor ratio citaciones/ documento y precisar el nivel de impacto de la reducción de cantidad de documentos en 1 y aumento en la cantidad de citaciones en 4 en la determinación de los autores con mayor ratio citación/ documento. El diseño de estudio de revisión sistemática es de tipo transversal descriptivo, utilizando muestreo no probabilístico de tipo intencional. La muestra tiene 51 documentos extraídos de la base de datos Scopus del periodo 2015-2020 y que coinciden con la ecuación de búsqueda recogida del tema de investigación. El instrumento para el análisis es el software VOSviewer. Los resultados muestran que las palabras claves mindfulness y academic achievement son las de mayor impacto y que sería recomendable ahondar en publicaciones relacionadas a la psicología. Otro resultado de la investigación indica que se debe considerar como prioridad a Estados Unidos, Alemania y Australia por tener los ratios más altos de citación /documento. Finalmente, se concluye que la reducción de cantidad de documentos en 1 y aumento en la cantidad de citaciones en 4 tiene impacto en la determinación de los autores con mayor ratio citación/ documento, recomendándose a los autores Hahne A., Mccaleer R. y Mcconville J, por ser quienes tienen más altos ratios citación/ documento, además de publicaciones relativamente recientes

    El razonamiento deductivo, inductivo y abductivo: diferencias e integración desde ejemplos empresariales

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    El presente artículo fusiona de manera creativa la teoría de la lógica sobre argumentación y el mundo de los negocios. El objetivo del ensayo es proponer varios criterios diferenciadores entre el pensamiento deductivo e inductivo y explicar cómo el razonamiento abductivo funciona en el proceso argumentativo e interactúa con los otros dos tipos de razonamiento a través de la presentación de ejemplos empresariales ex profeso que le permitan al lector una mayor comprensión sobre la argumentación de ideas desde el campo de la lógica.This article merges in a creative manner the logic theory of argumentation and the business world. The aim of the essay is to propose several differentiating criteria between deductive and inductive reasoning thinking and to explain how abductive reasoning works in the argumentative process through the presentation of deliberate examples that allow the reader a greater understanding of the argumentation of ideas de field of logic

    Demand-Driven Youth Training Programs: Experimental Evidence from Mongolia

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    Because of its high incidence and potential threat to social cohesion, youth unemployment is a global concern. This study uses a randomized controlled trial to analyze the effectiveness of a demand-driven vocational training program for disadvantaged youth in Mongolia. Mongolia, a transitional country whose economic structure shifted from a communist, centrally planned economy to a free-market economy over a relatively short period, offers a new setting in which to test the effectiveness of standard active labor market policies. This study reports positive and statistically significant short-term effects of vocational training on monthly earnings, skills matching, and self-employment. Substantial heterogeneity emerges as relatively older, richer, and better-educated individuals drive these positive effects. A second intervention that randomly assigns participants to receive repetitive weekly newsletters with information on market returns to vocational training shows positive impacts on the length of exposure to and successful completion of the program. These positive effects, however, are only observed at the intensive margin and do not lead to higher employment or earnings outcomes.Centro de Estudios Distributivos, Laborales y Sociales (CEDLAS

    Demand-Driven Youth Training Programs: Experimental Evidence from Mongolia

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    Because of its high incidence and potential threat to social cohesion, youth unemployment is a global concern. This study uses a randomized controlled trial to analyze the effectiveness of a demand-driven vocational training program for disadvantaged youth in Mongolia. Mongolia, a transitional country whose economic structure shifted from a communist, centrally planned economy to a free-market economy over a relatively short period, offers a new setting in which to test the effectiveness of standard active labor market policies. This study reports positive and statistically significant short-term effects of vocational training on monthly earnings, skills matching, and self-employment. Substantial heterogeneity emerges as relatively older, richer, and better-educated individuals drive these positive effects. A second intervention that randomly assigns participants to receive repetitive weekly newsletters with information on market returns to vocational training shows positive impacts on the length of exposure to and successful completion of the program. These positive effects, however, are only observed at the intensive margin and do not lead to higher employment or earnings outcomes.Centro de Estudios Distributivos, Laborales y Sociales (CEDLAS

    Evaluation of trace element status of organic dairy cattle

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    The present study aimed to evaluate trace mineral status of organic dairy herds in northern Spain and the sources of minerals in different types of feed. Blood samples from organic and conventional dairy cattle and feed samples from the respective farms were analysed by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry to determine the concentrations of the essential trace elements (cobalt (Co), chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), iodine (I), manganese (Mn), molybdenum (Mo), nickel (Ni), selenium (Se) and zinc (Zn)) and toxic trace elements (arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), mercury (Hg) and lead (Pb)). Overall, no differences between organic and conventional farms were detected in serum concentrations of essential and toxic trace elements (except for higher concentrations of Cd on the organic farms), although a high level of inter-farm variation was detected in the organic systems, indicating that organic production greatly depends on the specific local conditions. The dietary concentrations of the essential trace elements I, Cu, Se and Zn were significantly higher in the conventional than in the organic systems, which can be attributed to the high concentration of these minerals in the concentrate feed. No differences in the concentrations of trace minerals were found in the other types of feed. Multivariate chemometric analysis was conducted to determine the contribution of different feed sources to the trace element status of the cattle. Concentrate samples were mainly associated with Co, Cu, I, Se and Zn (i.e. with the elements supplemented in this type of feed). However, pasture and grass silage were associated with soil-derived elements (As, Cr, Fe and Pb) which cattle may thus ingest during grazingThis study was supported by the Spanish Government (project code AGL2010-21026). Inmaculada Orjales is in receipt of a FPU fellowship (Ref. FPU14/01473) from the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and SportsS